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==See Also==
==See Also==

Revision as of 15:09, 21 June 2019

Returns a name or caption for a member. The member is retrieved from a cube cell so can be calculated using MDX formulae.

Normally cube values are retrieved using XL3Lookup, but these are put into batches and run together. This formula is useful if you want to look up a member name from a cube cell, and pass it on to XL3Lookup formulae.

If you want the result of a look-up to be a member you need the value to be returned before the other formulae are evaluated, and this function does that.


XL3Member( Connection, ResultHierarchy, [Hierarchy1], [Member1],…, [Hierarchy100], [Member100] )


Parameter Description
Connection Connection number to use
ResultHierarchy Name of the hierarchy that the resulting member applies to e.g. "Measures" or "[Customer].[Customer Geography]"
Hierarchy1,…, HierarchyN Name of the hierarchy that the following member applies to e.g. "Measures" or "[Customer].[Customer Geography]"
Member1,…, MemberN Either a single member unique name or an XL3Member formula

See Also