Difference between revisions of "In-Cell Chart Designer"

Line 58: Line 58:
| [[Dotplot Chart Designer]]  
| [[DotPlot Chart Designer]]  
| [[File:dotplot-1.png]]
| [[File:dotplot-1.png]]

Revision as of 13:54, 16 March 2015

This dialog is used to format any In-Cell Charts in your report, and can be invoked in several ways:

For In-Cell Chart formulae
  • While inserting an In-Cell Chart formula, after choosing the desired chart type, clicking the ... button under Chart Format
  • Right-clicking on an existing In-Cell Chart or formula, then selecting XLCubed > Format In-Cell Chart...
  • Double-clicking on an existing In-Cell Chart or formula
For Grid-based In-Cell Charts
  • While inserting an In-Cell Chart member, after choosing the desired chart type, clicking the ... button under Chart Format
  • In the Report Designer or the Hierarchy Editor, existing In-Cell Chart members have a ... button to format the chart

The specific dialog that is displayed depends on which chart type has been selected for the In-Cell Charts:

Chart Type Chart
SparkLine Chart Designer (including area charts) Sparkline-1.png
SparkColumns Chart Designer Sparkcolumns-1.png
SparkWinLose Chart Designer Winlose-1.png
SparkBar Chart Designer Sparkbar-1.png
SparkBullet Chart Designer Sparkbullet-1.png
SparkIcon Chart Designer Sparkicon-1.png
SparkHeatMap Chart Designer Heatmap-1.png
SparkPie Chart Designer Sparkpie-1.png
SparkHorizon Chart Designer Sparkhorizon-1.png
SparkBox Chart Designer Sparkbox-1.png
DotPlot Chart Designer Dotplot-1.png
Lollipop Chart Designer Lollipop-1.png
Bandline Chart Designer Bandline-1.png