Using Domain Users and Groups with the SQL Repository
In order to use users and groups from your Domain with your SQL Repository, run the Configure FluenceXL Web Edition application, then select the Sql Repository tab. By default, the Domain box will automatically be populated with the name of the local Domain, but it supports several formats:
- Domain name
- e.g.
- Load all the users and groups in the given domain
- Localhost
- Load all the users and groups from the host machine
- A semi-colon delimited list of LDAP queries
- e.g. LDAP://OU=Development,DC=somecom,DC=com; LDAP://OU=Consultants,DC=somecom,DC=com
- Allows you to load users and groups from the domain, but limit the import to the given Organisation Units, etc.
- A semi-colon delimited list of global catalog queries
- e.g. GC://OU=Development,DC=somecom,DC=com; GC://OU=Consultants,DC=somecom,DC=com
- If your domain supports it, this may be faster than the corresponding LDAP queries
- Group filtering, for example
- e.g. LDAP://DC=somecom,DC=com~(cn=group)
- When using LDAP or GC queries, you may also filter the groups returned by using this form, where group can be a full group name or a wildcard (e.g. Sales*)
[hide]Automatically keeping the Domain information up to date
Once this has been configured, the FluenceXL Scheduling Service can be used to keep the Domain information up to date on a regular basis. To set this:
- Run the Configure FluenceXL Web Edition application
- Select the Scheduling tab
- Select the Schedule domain update box, and enter how frequently you would like to update the Domain information
- The update will occur at midnight, server time
Note that the FluenceXL Scheduling Service must be set up correctly in order for this to succeed.
Manually running the Domain import process
From FluenceXL v8.1.39, the Scheduling Service domain import process can be triggered manually by passing an extra command line parameter:
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\FluenceXLWeb\Scheduler\FluenceXL.Scheduling.Service.exe /UPDATEDOMAIN
This allows it to be called manually or via an automated process, for example Task Scheduler. The user running the process must be a member of the XLCUBED_ADMIN role.
Viewing the Domain import logs
In order to see the progress of an individual Domain import, or whether errors occurred on a previous occasion, run the Configure FluenceXL Web Edition application, then select the Sql Repository tab. Click on the Administration button, then select the Admin > Logs > Active Directory menu.