Revision as of 14:37, 6 October 2010 by Antonio.remedios (talk | contribs) (Added reference to XL3DataSeriesLookup)
Returns the set of values from a range of given time members. Often used to provide a OLAP data source for MicroCharts functions.
XL3DataSeries( Connection, TimeHierarchy, PeriodMember, PeriodCount, Measure, Hierarchy1, Member1,…, Hierarchy12, Member12 )
Parameter | Description |
Connection | Connection number to use |
TimeHierarchy | Name of the time hierarchy to use |
PeriodMember | The time member to use |
PeriodCount | The number of periods to return |
Measure | The measure to use |
Hierarchy1,…, HierarchyN | Name of the hierarchy that the member applies to e.g. "Measures" or "[Customer].[Customer Geography]" |
Member1,…, MemberN | Comma-delimited list of members to use for the cross section |
Examples (based on the Bicycle Sales cube)
Returns the a set of 12 Revenues for January 2004 to December 2004
=XL3DataSeries( 1, "Time", "December 2004", 12, "Value", "KeyFigures", "Revenue" )
Returns a column chart for a set of 12 Revenues for January 2004 to December 2004 (only available with MicroCharts installed)
=MicroColumns( XL3DataSeries( 1, "Time", "December 2004", 12, "Value", "KeyFigures", "Revenue" ) )