Customising web config
There are several settings that administrators can edit in the web.config file to alter the default behaviour of FluenceXLWeb.
If these don't exist in the <appSettings> section they can be added.
Setting name | Description | Valid values |
AllowGuest | Not currently used. | |
AllowHtmlColon | Allows outputting or raw html into workbooks. | True/False |
AlwaysHideButtons | Comma delimited list of toolbar buttons to hide. | SubmitChanges, Print, SaveToExcel, SaveToPowerPoint, SaveToRepository, SaveParameters, Refresh, ToggleSlicerTaskPane |
AnalysisServicesAzureAlwaysPromptUserNameAndPassword | Forces the logon prompt On/Off even if the published report did not require a password. Useful if Excel connections are integrated with AAD but web requires users to enter their credentials. | True/False |
ApplicationUrl | The URL that the users use to access the application. Can usually be left blank. | e.g. e.g. /xlcubedweb |
AutoReloadOnSessionTimeout | Allows the report to be automatically reloaded if a user allows their session to time out. | True/False |
ClearLevelsMovedToFilters | Where an entire level is selected on an axis (potentially a large number of members), and is dragged onto the slicer, the selection is changed to the default member (Typically 'All'). This is to prevent users accidentally creating a very slow running query by individually aggregating all the members dragged to the slicer | True/False |
CommentReverseChronology | Change the order comments are displayed. | True/False |
CustomHelpUrl | Allows you to direct your users to a custom help portal you have created. | e.g. |
CustomerLogo | Allows you to include a custom logo in the FluenceXLWeb header area. The image must be under 32px in height. | e.g. |
DefaultChartSeries | The default number of series to chart on an ad-hoc report. | Integer |
DefaultCulture | The backup culture where it cannot be retrieved from the browser. | e.g. en-US |
DefaultFormatString | The default format string to use before the user has set one. | e.g. 0.00 |
DirectoryServicesSizeLimit | Not currently used. | |
DisableAdhocGrids | Adhoc Grids functionality is disabled. | True/False |
DisableAnalyticBooks | Analytic Books functionality is disabled. | True/False |
DisableSettingsButton | Preferences functionality is disabled. | True/False |
DisableHelpButton | Help functionality is disabled. | True/False |
DisplaySystemMemProps | Show system member properties available for selection. | True/False |
DocumentDomain | Used when embedding FluenceXL within an iframe on a different server. | e.g. |
DrillthroughAbsoluteMaxRows | maximum permitted rows on a drillthrough | Integer |
DrillthroughDefaultMaxRows | default maximum rows on a drillthrough | Integer |
ExternalLogoutUrl | Specifies a Url to call when the user presses the Logout link. By default a request is made to the Url, but if you set ExternalLogoutUrlMustNavigate to true then the browser will redirect to the Url instead. | e.g. |
GoogleMapsJavascriptUri | Allows specifying a non-default location for the map javascript. Useful when is not reachable, e.g. in China. (from Version 8.1) | e.g. |
GoogleMapsMarkerManJavascriptUri | Allows specifying a non-default location for the map javascript. Useful when is not reachable, e.g. in China. (from Version 8.1) | e.g. |
KeepAlive | New in Version 8.1. Set to True to allow FluenceXL to make a web request to the server every minute to keep the session alive, and stop open reports from expiring. | True/False |
LogErrors | Write errors to the Error.log file. | True/False |
LogPerformance | For debug only. | True/False |
MapUseHttps | Specifies that FluenceXL should use HTTPS links to map scripts. Can usually be left blank. | True/False |
MaxChartSeries | The maximum number of series to chart on an ad-hoc report. | Integer |
MemberRetrieveCount | The number of members to retrieve at a time when a tree is expanded. Default is 250. | Integer |
PdfConverterPassword | Not currently used. | |
PdfConverterUserName | Not currently used. | |
PdfHostWebBrowser | Not currently used. | |
PdfRenderer | Not currently used. | |
PdfSetCookie | Not currently used. | |
PdfUseAppPoolUserForPdfConversion | True to use the IIS configured application pool user for creating the PDF during the PDF print; false uses the impersonated user. Must be true for 64-bit application pools. | True/False |
PdfUseAppPoolUserForXpsPrint | True to use the IIS configured application pool user for creating the XPS during the PDF print; false uses the impersonated user. Must be true for 64-bit application pools. | True/False |
PdfXpsDriver | The XPS driver for creating the XPS during the PDF print. | Usually Microsoft XPS Document Writer |
PowerBiCloudAlwaysPromptUserNameAndPassword | Forces the logon prompt On/Off even if the published report did not require a password. Useful if Excel connections are integrated with AAD but web requires users to enter their credentials. | True/False |
PowerBiCloudAuthenticationType | Set the authentication type to use. | UsernamePassword/OAuth |
AnalysisServicesAzureAlwaysPromptUserNameAndPassword | Same as Power BI. | True/False |
AnalysisServicesAzureAuthenticationType | Same as Power BI. | UsernamePassword/OAuth |
AnaplanAlwaysPromptUserNameAndPassword | Same as Power BI. | True/False |
AnaplanAuthenticationType | Same as Power BI. | UsernamePassword/OAuth |
PrimaryColor | Change the primary color (including top bar). Should be a hex value. For use in the new FluenceXL Web Portal UI only. | e.g. #1a82c5 |
ProgressBarCss | Custom css class for the progress image. Built in values are "xl3-progress" (the standard position) and "xl3-progress-center" (which centers the image). | e.g. xl3-progress-center |
ProgressBarUrl | Sets a custom image for the progress bar. | e.g. |
QueryActiveDirectory | Used to display the user name on homepage. | True/False |
RepositioryRootUNC | No longer supported - listed for compatibility reasons. To create a shared repository, use MKLink to replace the folder with a Symbolic Link to a network share. | |
RespositoryFileMenu | New in Version 8.1.23. Enable or disable "Delete/Rename" right-click options on a file. | True/False |
RespositoryFolderMenu | New in Version 8.1.23. Enable or disable "Delete/Rename" right-click options on a folder. | True/False |
SearchDefaultType | The default search type to be used in the member selector quick search. | Possible values are Equals, BeginsWith, Contains. Default value is BeginsWith. |
SQLRepositoryConnectionString | The connection string used to connect to the SQL Repository. | e.g. Data;Initial Catalog=FluenceXLWeb;Integrated Security=True |
SharePointOnlyEncryptedUrls | If enabled then only encrypted paths are allowed for showing embedded SharePoint report. | True/False |
SharePointUseRepository | Whether to use SharePoint for the repository. | True/False |
SharePointServerUrl | The SharePoint server to use for the repository. | e.g. http://sharepoint |
ShowErrorMessages | Show detailed error messages or just a reference to the log file. | True/False |
ShowReportNameInTooltip | From v10.0.98. Set to True to show the full report name when hovering over a report in the repository bar. | True/False |
ShowReportsBeforeFolders | New in Version 8.1. Set to True to display reports before sub-folders. | True/False |
StartupReport | Replaces the default startup page with the specified report. | e.g. Reports/StartupReport.xml |
StopImpersonatingDuringDataAccess | Stops impersonation during multidimensional data access. Connection will be made as the AppPool user instead. | True/False |
StopImpersonatingDuringRelationalDataAccess | Stops impersonation during relational data access. Connection will be made as the AppPool user instead. | True/False |
TwoPassQueryMaxTupleCount | The maximum number of tuples to submit at once for formula queries. | Integer |
UnmapConnectionsOnExport | Controls whether connections are unmapped when a user downloads a file, default is True. | True/False |
UseAppPoolUserForSQLRepository | Whether to use the application pool user to connect to the SQL Repository. | True/False |
UseAppPoolUserForSharepointDownload | Whether to use the application pool user to download from SharePoint. | True/False |
UsePathsForSQLRepository | New in Version 8.1. Set to True so that the "Get URL" of reports selected in the web user interface or the SharePoint web part are referred to using the path rather than a Guid when running the SQL Repository. | True/False |
V5FormatFileLocation | Not currently used. | |
WebSiteTitle | (V10.0.125+) Override the default web site title. | String |
WithMembersOnWhere | Formula engine option to control MDX generation, puts aggregates in the where clause. Mimics the same option from Excel. | True/False |
WritebackTimeout | Writeback timeout in milliseconds | Integer |
XL3LastCubeUpdateVolatile | Whether the XL3LastCubeUpdate formula should be volatile. | True/False |
X_UA_Compatible_IE | Sets the X-UA-Compatible meta tag, which forces compatibility rendering in Internet Explorer. | e.g. Edge |
Standard IIS Options
The following are standard IIS/.Net options which may be of interest
Extends the request timeout in case of long running queries.- Amend the httpRuntime element, e.g.
<httpRuntime ... executionTimeout="120" />
- Amend the httpRuntime element, e.g.
PDF Printing Configuration
To configure the web edition to use the impersonated user instead of the application pool user, see Version 7.1 instructions.
- Set PdfUseAppPoolUserForXpsPrint and PdfUseAppPoolUserForPdfConversion to true
- Ensure the application pool user has Modify access to the "Temp" folder, \inetpub\wwwroot\xlcubedweb\temp
Data Configuration Settings
Updating Data Configuration Settings may be done to affect connection behaviour by advanced users, although it is not recommended to do this without advice from FluenceXL support.