Reporting Services

As of V7 FluenceXL can integrate your Reporting Services reports with the FluenceXL Repository.

The first step is to install the ReportViewer control, available for download from Microsoft

Next, to configure this you will need to add the following settings in the web.config file of your FluenceXLWeb installation:

    <!-- Existing settings... -->
    <add key="ReportingServicesUrl" value="http://my-server:8080/Reports_SQL2008RS" />
    <add key="ReportingServicesServerUrl" value="http://my-server:8080/ReportServer_SQL2008RS" />

And remove the comments around sections of the web.config labeled

<!-- ReportingServices Integration -->

Once this is done FluenceXL will query the Reporting Services report list when a user logs in, and create folders for the reports found. These can then be opened directly in the FluenceXLWeb application.
